Heritage and Discovery Eastern European Trips Site |
Nesia(Trip) to Lyzansk
21 days in Adar 2010
Click here for info about our previous trips
Wednesday March 3 17th Adar |
Departing from New York to Poland |
Thursday March 4 18th Adar |
Arrive to Katowice, Poland. A comfortable bus will be waiting for us at the airport. We will visit Radomsk, Tiferes Shlomo, Kilce, Reb. Mottele Kozmirer, Radoschitz, Reb Yisocher Ber Radoschitzer, Lelow, Reb Duvid Dinner and Maariv in Lelow. Sleep in Krakow. |
Friday March 5 19th Adar Erev Shabbos |
Bright and early Davin Shacharis in the only Bais Hamedrash not destroyed by the Nazis in Oshpetzin. Learn about the goal of the Nazis and the Final Solution in Auschwitz/ Bikenau. Return to Krakow be mispallel in the old and new Batei Chaim. |
Shabbos March 6 20th Adar |
Shabbos in Krakow in the shadow of the great Bach on the day of his Yartzeit. Three seudos Shabbos. Walking tour of the old Jewish area of Kazimish. |
Motzaei Shabbos March 6 20th Adar |
On to Lezansk to Reb. Elimaylach We will complete sefer Tehilim and make Melave D’malka On to Lublin, Worka , Warsaw the Bais Hachaim and the Getto area Then head to the airport and home to NY Return home to NYC |
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