Reb Duvid in the Jewish cemetery in Meilec
locating the foundation of the Ohel of
Reb Yankele Meilecer son of the Ropschitzer Ruv
Duvid with Krzysztof Bielawski,
Chief Specialist Documentation of Jewish Heritage,
Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw.
Adam Bartosz with Duvid singer
Surveying old cemetery in Przemysl,Poland.
Reb Duvid Singer speaking in Tokaji
on Reb Yeshayale Kerestirer's Yartzeit.
Standing in front of the original Slabodka Yeshiva
near Kovna.
Reb Elchunon Wassermann's Shull in
Kovna, Lithuania.
From left to right, Adam Bartosz
Director of the Regional Museum in Tarnow
David Singer Director of Heritage and Discovery,
Rabbi Nuta Horowitz Spinker/Mielecer Rebba,
and the President of Mielec the Honerable Daniel Kozdeba
at a meeting in City Hall in Mielec.
David Singer with Professor Jonathan Weber
of Oxford University & Jagiellonian
University putting a wreath at the monument
of the first transport of Tarnoviens to Auschwitz.
The original mikvah in Zelechow.
The original mikvah in Zelechow.
David Singer with the Kachke family
whos grandfather protected David's grandparents
and greatgrand parents cemetery in Poland
David Singer with Piotr Cywinski,
Director of Auschwitz/Birkenau
Rabbi M.Schudrich standing sandik,
Reb Duvid Singer,Yoel Jaworski baby's father
and Rabbi Yoel Halberstam Sanzer Ruv
giving the name to Chaim Yoseph Jaworski.
[from left to right]
Reb Duvid Singer sandik at bris of
Yoel & Yehudis Jaworski son, in the Nozik shul,
Rabbi M. Schudrich Chief Rabbi of Poland
in the center.
Motzi Shabbos havdala ceremony in Krakow
in front of 12,000 people
from right to left;
Professor Jonathan Webber, David Singer,
Rabbi Avi Bohmal, bar mitzvah boy Jacob Wisnik
Chief Rabbi of Poland Rabbi Michael Schudrich,
Chief Rabbi of Galicia Rabbi Edger Gluck &
Chief Rabbi of Krakow Rabbi Eliezer GurArye
David speaking at a ceremony honoring
Tadeusz Pankiewicz one of the righteous among
the nations near the former Krakow ghetto.
Davening Minche and reading the torah,
the first time after WWII since Radoschyz
was made Yuden Rein by the nazies in Nov. 1942.
In the home of The Tzadik Reb Ber Radoschiczer
Duvid Singer with the
Bishop of Krakow Grzegorz Rys
in the Tempel Synagogue for havdalah ceremony
Motzie Shabbos Shemos
Reb David Singer in parysow Looking at the barn
Paying admission fee to the farmer
so that Reb Duvid can visit the barn
that the farmers father and grandfather
built from the matzevos that
were in the jewish cemetery in Parysow
Reb Duvid building an eruv in Tarnow,
the first since 1941.
Reb David Singer in parysow,
in front of the new Ohel of
Rabbi Yehoshua Usher Rabinowitz of Parysow
Reb David Singer standing in front of the
Tzadik of parysow's shul
The new Ohel of Rabbi Yehoshua Usher Rabinowitz
with son and grandson, the Rebbis of Parysow
Reb David Singer with
group in a barak in birkenau
explaining the Nazies goals.
Reb David Singer with proffesor Marchin Wodzinski
of Wroclaw university,
expert on polish chasidim in the 19th century.
Reb Duvid Singer speaking at the Seuda {dinner}
in the Yeshiva dinining room
at the 12th Siyum Hashas in Lublin
we serevd 170 meals to men & women
Duvid Singer in the middle of the
Forrest in Warzyce near Jaslo
where he placed a matzevah for the Koloschitzer Ruv
who was killed by the German Nazis
w/60 other Yidden on the 18th day in Tishri 1942.
At a conference in Georgetown University
at the Foundation of development and
preservation of Culture and Economics in Poland
From right to left:
Rabbi Simche Krakowskie responsible
for the renovation of the Tzion,
mikvah and hacnusas orchim in Lejask Poland
and Restoration of the Bais Hamedras,
Mikvah and bais hachaim where
Reb Duvid of Lelov is buried in Lelow, Poland,
Reb Duvid Singer
Artur W. Wroblewski Director of the Forum
The Honorable Hannah S. Rosenthal U.S. Department
of State Envoy to Monitor & Combat Anti-Semitism.
from right to left: Jacek Tejchma
Director of the Museum of culture in Mielec,
Thaddeus Siemkiem Chief Engineer of the City of
Mielec and suburbs, Duvid Singer, Adam Bartosz
director of Regional Museum in Tarnow,
after determining the location of the former Ohel
of Reb Yankele Horowicze [son Ropschitzer Ruv"s]
his son and grandson.
Adam Bartosz, Ignacy Lorence Burgermeister
of Jasliska and R' David Singer
David Singer and the Wice Wojewoda of Mazowiecki
[The Warsaw area ]
the Honorable Darius Piatek
Rabbi Naftali Horowitz center
Adam Bartosz on the right, David on the left
Sanzer Mayor
Duvid Singer with a group of Satumar Chasidim
in the cemetery of the Remu in Krakow
The first Shacris on this past yarzeit of the Divray Chaim,
in the Sanzer Ruv's Bais Haknesses since 1940
Rymanov near the tzion of Reb Mendelah
Duvid Singer with a group of Chasidim
in the Divray Chaim's Ohel in Sanz
Reb Duvid Singer standing in the doorway of the
Old Bais Haknesses of the Divray Chaim with
Grand Rabbi Berish Meisels, Rabbi of the Satumar
Congregation of Boro Park Friday 25 days in Nissan,
April 9 2010 the day of the Sanzer Ruvs yartzeit.
In the Krakow cemetery near the Tosfas Yomtov
Reb Duvid Singer in the center,
on his right is the Woiwode of Malopolska
{Governor of the region of Galicia, Poland}
the Honorable Stanislaw Kracik on Reb Duvids left is the
President of the Jewish community of Krakow and the former Galicia.
Reb Duvid Singer in the center,
on his right is the Woiwode of Malopolska
{Governor of the region of Galicia, Poland}
the Honorable Stanislaw Kracik.
R' Duvid Singer standing in Yanowa Forest in the
outskirts of Lvov (Lemberg) Ukraine,
where the Kedushat Tzion was killed
July 28, 1941, along with another 2000 jews.
Yanowa Forest in the outskirts
of Lvov (Lemberg) Ukraine,
where the Kedushat Tzion was killed
R' Duvid Singer recieving Medal of Honor by the Polish Minister of Culture.
R' Duvids friend Adam Bartosz is seen in the back.
R' Duvid Singer thanking the Polish Minister of Culture.
R' Duvid Singer with President Tadeusz Jakubowitz President of Jewish Gemina of Krakow And Galicia.
Rabbi Kaufman at the cemetery of Lublin
From right to left:
Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Culture
Tomasz Merta, R' Duvid Singer
Consulate General of Poland in New York
Krzysztof W. Kasprzyk, Yoel Jaworski
Reb Duvid in Katowice in the Kehila building
Katowice was a wealthy Jewish community pre war
"what I felt standing in the hall way was a statement that
I heard from Dr. M. Berenbaum "the presents of absence"
Rabbi Avrom Chaim Feuer formerly from Monsey N.Y.
Currently Ruv in Jerusalem Israel. standing in the center, saying
Kadish for the 33,000 kedoshim of Babi-Yar Kiev.
Murderd by the SS Einsatzgruppen on Sept. 29 and 30 '41
Erev Yom Kippur 5702.
R' Duvid singer is on his right side and Rabbi Yakov
Bleich Chief Rabbi of Kiev on his left side.
R' Duvid Singer lighting a candle at the Belzec Death
Crown Prince El-Hassan Bin Talaal, Grandson of King Abdullah "I"
who met with Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld ZT"L.
Meeting with R' Duvid Singer at the Rededication of the Beth
Hamedrash in Oshpitzin.
R' Duvid Singer with Adam Bartosz.
The director of 8 museums in the Galitzianer part of Poland,
a person that the previous Bobover Rebba o.b.m.
Called one of the chasiday umas huolom {righteous among nations}
R' Duvid Singer with his grandson Shmuel Shmelka Singer and Adam Bartosz in Lezansk
At the Ohel of Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Horowicz the Chozeh of Lublin.
R' Duvid Singer with a group of yeshiva boys before entering Birkenau vernichtungs lager {killing camp}
R' Duvid Singer with a group in front of the last remnant of the ghetto wall in Krakow.
R' Duvid Singer with a group in front of the
last remnant of the ghetto wall in Krakow.
Tzion of Harav Chune Halberstam Ruv of Kołaczyce, Grandson of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz.
he was killed here by the S.S. along with 60 kedoshim.
Tzion was put up by R' Duvid Singer.
R' Duvid Singer and his grandson saying Tehilim at the Tzion of Harav Chune Halberstam Ruv of Kołaczyce,
Bishop of Jaslow paying his respects at the tzion of Harav Chune Halberstam Ruv of Kołaczyce.
Chief Rabbi of Poland Rabbi Schudrich, speaking at the Yuhrtzeit of
the Sanzer Ruv The Divrei Chaim. Held at the Beis Haknesset of the sanzer ruv in Nowy Sącz Poland
for the 1st time since 1939. R' Duvid Singer is to his left & Adam Bartosz to his right.
R' Duvid Singer speaking at the Yuhrtzeit of
the Sanzer Ruv The Divrei Chaim. Held at the Beis Haknesset of the sanzer ruv in Nowy Sącz Poland
for the 1st time since 1939. Chief Rabbi of Poland Rabbi Schudrich is sitting in front of him & Adam Bartosz to his right.
The magnificent Shul of Reb Duvid Moshe of Chortkiv(Czortków).
R' Duvid Singer with a group in front of the magnificent Shul of Reb Duvid Moshe of Chortkiv(Czortków).
R' Duvid Singer at the tzion of Reb Duvid Moshe
of Chortkiv(Czortków).
David Singer with a group of Polish citizen's standing
in front of the Divray Chaims Bais Haknesses,
explaining the importance and Holiness
of this pre war Synagogue.