Restoring of the ohel in Gorlice
The Jewish cemetery in Gorlice was found in the mid 17th century on a steep side of a hill.
It occupies over 1,5 hectare. Famous rabbis are buried here and an ohel was built over their graves.
This ohel as the whole cemetery was destroyed by the Germansin 1943, and the Matzevos were stolen
in the 50's by local Poles, encouraged by the Communist regime. A new ohel was built in the 90's
The building material that was used back then was of a very bad quality so although in 1990's the ohel was repaired
but its conditions deteriorated in last few years. It's flat roof was especially in need to be repaired, as it collapsed.
Thanks to the initiative of David Singer, a Chassidic Jew from New York who is known for his efforts
to restore Jewish cemeteries,and Synagogues, the ohel was not only restored but it received the original shape.
It's project was done by a local architect, Tomasz Pruchnicki, the building inspector was Leszek Hyńda,
with the cooperstion of the Burgermeister of Gorlice the honorable Daniel Kukla.
the works were done by Eltar company from Tarnow and the Committee, Adam Bartosz,
Rabbis of Zmigrod and of Rudnik, great grandchildren of the Rabbi of Gorlice were the investors.
In the ohel in Gorlice there are few rabbis buried:
- Baruch, (died Feb 2nd 1906) son of Chaim Halberstam founder of the famous Chassidic dynasty from Nowy Sącz.
- Pinchas, a son of Jehoshua (died Feb 14th 1901) - offspring of Pinchas from Korc and the Rav for Kosovo.
- Cvi Hirsh, son of Baruch Halberstam (July 17th 1918) - the Rav of Rudnik.